Latest Works
Theatre Production
The theater and live shows were Parasol's greatest passions outside of music. She is involved in a number of student and community activities as a sound engineer. Events range in size from 100 to 1,500 people. She shines in her work with quick reflexes, and decisive, independent problem-solving skills. She maintains an affinity with the team and plays her vital role.

Animated Film & Game
Parasol's starting point for sound design was the shooting of a student short film that she participated in during her sophomore year. Later, she worked on sound design for several radio dramas, films, animations, and games. She is good at from collecting ambient sound and room information, to designing sound effects and soundscapes, as well as mixing and producing stereo and multi-channel sound. What she enjoys most is collecting favorite sounds of nature around the world and organizing them into a sound library.
”乐者,音之所由生也。” ---《礼记》
All music is born in people’s minds. As people’s inner emotions surge, they turn into sound. When sound is formed into a pattern, music is created. (The Book of Rites) Parasol's music works include recording, mixing, and composing in a variety of styles including classical, jazz, and pop. Click the button below to learn more about Parasol's music stories.